Thursday 12 February 2009

Hey there y'all!!

I'm terribly sorry, I have been rather tardy about the blog.

The story soo far......

Jennifer has now started school..wahey! She is soo enjoying it, that she is most upset she doesn't go the whole week! She is in full time except wednesdays, for the month of February any way, and in the whole week starting march. She even wants to go at the weekend, when spotted trying to get her uniform on on the staurday morning!
So Jennifer in Prep A and Caitlin now in Grade 3/4. They both seem to settling in really well. Surprisingly, as their previous classes all get mixed up as they go onto the next year, so they are not really with the same people from one year to the next! That must have some major plusses that the classes are well balanced, and potential problem groups get separated.
I went to their assembly on monday, and they all sing the Australian National Anthem to begin with. Feels brilliant, and the anthem really uplifting.

And she has lost yet another front tooth! The Tooth fairy going to be on overtime soon, as Caitlin due to lose antoher 9 teeth. We went to the dentist recently and Caitlin and myself got x-rays, and she counted about 9 teeth struggling through. I've been unfortunate to get some root canal treatment recently. I go back for another 2 visits. But they are exceptional...well, what do you expect for private dentistry!! There isnt a national health service here, which is good I suppose!

Stuart still doing really well in work, he's enjoying the banter with his fellow collegues. His bike also going well, now he's changed it to the V~strom. Something he should have went for in the first place, but there you go. We only use the car for long journeys really.

I've started doing Avon, something to keep me out of mischief. But have put a couple of resumes into a couple of places, but haven't heard from any place yet, but here's hoping. A part time job for a few days a week will do. Then can up the hours as the kids get older.

Anyway, as you probably know, Victoria is in a state of mourning as fires still burn. I feel just as devastated, even though I am a newcomer. But everyone is soo passionate about their country here, so it's hard not to feel a sort of loss for all the people who have lost all their loved ones and possesions. I wish peace for all these stricken families and justice for them as the ones responsible are caught!!!

So i'll go just now, and let you know about my job situation.

Greetings from Oz


Saturday 20 December 2008

Almost Christmas!!

Hey all!!

Really sorry that I havennt updated the blog in a while...

The story so far.....Nothing really nuch was going on, just waiting for all the furniture to arrive. Which it did, on the 11th December. So that's us had it all for just over a week now, and already feels like we have always had it.
Will take a picture of what it looks like, then post it on the blog. But what it does do, is make it all real. Not just some kind of secondment, or holiday. Having all our furniture from scotland really makes it look like home.
Even the weather recently has been like home. Ever since the stuff got here, and I've now had a washing machine, I 've been unable to hang it out...would you beleieve it has rained almost non-stop?? Stuart actually had to pour out water from his motorcycle boot when coming home from work. But it's now the 20th December (oh happy Birthday Gran..) and today i've managed to hang it up, as the sun is shining and there are blue skies!!! Apparently this is highly unusual for this time of year, but a welcome sight for all australians. If you didnt know, this is their 13th year of drought, as they havent had much rain all those years do alot of the dams are drying up. Just our luck eh? Whats the bets that they will be over the drought come their winter????
Stuart beginning to think they dangled a carrot to get us here, lied about the great weather. but they assure us that hotter weather will be on its way!!

Oh, we went out last night to see if we could spot real, live, hopping kangaroos, as they come out at dusk and guess what........WE DID!!! Yehaa, thought they were also telling us fibs about that as well. But there they were, in this field hopping about. The night was really nice, a slight wind and we even got a back drop of noise thanks to the crickets and a couple of cookaburra's!! The real Aussie experience, and it was amazing. We have never seen a hopping kangaroo, as in zoo's they tend just to stay still. One was keeping it's beady eye on us the whole time, while the rest of them hopped about in the distance!
Perhaps go up to Mount Macedon, they have signs for Koala's and Wombats, so would be great to see these in the wild. Stuart did see a possum walking along the top of the fence outside our house, rather large domestic cats with really bushy tail.

So we are nearly all prepared for Christmas. We are going to someones house for Christmas lunch, which should be good to be amongst company. The weather report alot better for Boxing Day, so will be up early, load up the esky and head to the beach!!

Well, had better go now, Caitlin has a play date with a girl from her class, but will add those photos of our newly furnished house soon.

Until then, all our love to all who read this blog

Denise, Stuart, Catilin & Jennifer

Hope you all have a wonderful christmas and a bonzer new year!!!!

Monday 10 November 2008

We are now Gisbonites!!!!

Hi all...well, we are now living in beautiful Gisborne. We have been here over a week now, and have some mixed weather so far. When we first got here, it was rather cold, and had to get extra blankets for our airbeds.
So we are now cosy and are beginning to sleep well. It had rained for a couple of days and Stuart was ready to just go back to Scotland. But the weather picking up, with temperatures reaching 28 degress. All the locals keep saying "Cant wait for summer", Help ma boab, you mean this isnt it????
Anyway, Gisborne is a very green and lushious place, with surprisingly enough alot of Oak trees...we have one beside our driveway, with loads of saplings!! Also a gum tree outside our door.
Alot of bugs here as well, alot of beetles and seen huge spiders. I'm hoping it was the same one, didnt want more of one of these guys around. Thank god for the fly screens!!
But there are beautiful birds around, parrot like things and cockatiels, all flying around wild!! A most bizarre sight. And there are breath taking views from the top the road, over to the next hill, and Mount Macedon. Have yet to visit one of the many wineries here, so will look forward to that excursion.
I'm most disappointed, though, that I have not seen any Kangaroos since we touched down, and there have been plenty signs for them. Have seen the tail of one, that had been knocked down, but yet to see a live hopping one. I think I have seen the evidence of a possum, droppings on driveway that are too large for a mouse!
Caitlin seems to be enjoying school, and I thnk she looks really smart in her school uniform, complete with hat. Will get a piccie of her on.
Jennifer is itching to get starting school, and is going to pre prep classes, and should get her uniform before christmas. But she seems to be settling well into Aussie life, and enjoying all the wildlife around her.
Stuart is doing okay at work. But he is getting abit tired of the temporary furniture we have, but not long till our real stuff comes. After living with minimum, going to seem really crowded.
Anyhoo, will hopefully be getting a new bike soon, for ease for Stuart to go to work. The roads are soo straight that it's perfect for bikes. And we have our eye on one, so watch this space. And hopefully get our true blue Aussie Bar-B-Que soon, and with our fridge on its way will be stocked with loads of meats for it.
Our neighbours here are really nice, but everyone here is so friendly anyway, and would do aything to help you. They also love the Scottish accent as well. Although, I dont really notice it unless I talk to a scottish person.
So thats the story so far, so will update with photos, and hopefully hear from you soon..
hope you are all well, so until next time, my love to you all

Denise & Co