Thursday 12 February 2009

Hey there y'all!!

I'm terribly sorry, I have been rather tardy about the blog.

The story soo far......

Jennifer has now started school..wahey! She is soo enjoying it, that she is most upset she doesn't go the whole week! She is in full time except wednesdays, for the month of February any way, and in the whole week starting march. She even wants to go at the weekend, when spotted trying to get her uniform on on the staurday morning!
So Jennifer in Prep A and Caitlin now in Grade 3/4. They both seem to settling in really well. Surprisingly, as their previous classes all get mixed up as they go onto the next year, so they are not really with the same people from one year to the next! That must have some major plusses that the classes are well balanced, and potential problem groups get separated.
I went to their assembly on monday, and they all sing the Australian National Anthem to begin with. Feels brilliant, and the anthem really uplifting.

And she has lost yet another front tooth! The Tooth fairy going to be on overtime soon, as Caitlin due to lose antoher 9 teeth. We went to the dentist recently and Caitlin and myself got x-rays, and she counted about 9 teeth struggling through. I've been unfortunate to get some root canal treatment recently. I go back for another 2 visits. But they are exceptional...well, what do you expect for private dentistry!! There isnt a national health service here, which is good I suppose!

Stuart still doing really well in work, he's enjoying the banter with his fellow collegues. His bike also going well, now he's changed it to the V~strom. Something he should have went for in the first place, but there you go. We only use the car for long journeys really.

I've started doing Avon, something to keep me out of mischief. But have put a couple of resumes into a couple of places, but haven't heard from any place yet, but here's hoping. A part time job for a few days a week will do. Then can up the hours as the kids get older.

Anyway, as you probably know, Victoria is in a state of mourning as fires still burn. I feel just as devastated, even though I am a newcomer. But everyone is soo passionate about their country here, so it's hard not to feel a sort of loss for all the people who have lost all their loved ones and possesions. I wish peace for all these stricken families and justice for them as the ones responsible are caught!!!

So i'll go just now, and let you know about my job situation.

Greetings from Oz


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